There are pieces of the motorbike which in my opinion are timeless iconic, like this 1950s (two-stroke single cylinder) side engine casing which is very simple but has harmonious shapes, I liked the Benelli writing in relief. For many it is certainly simply an "engine crankcase", I like what I can tell you...
There will be some tests to do before arriving at the final piece, even in this case I will make not many numbered pieces (1/20), also because the mold is delicate, after some time it begins to deteriorate.
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Finished work installed on wooden base for convenience

Finished models after firing ready to be fixed on a wooden pedestal.

I found some problems in the plaster mold, precisely in the holes used for extraction, the initial repair did not allow the water to absorb well, with the final result that the piece (engine crankcase) was deformed. It seems like a small spot, but it creates a problem in the finished piece. Sanding everything, I redid a plaster cast inside the hole, smoothing everything at the end.


Together with the Benelli I wanted to reproduce a Mosquito engine crankcase, the size is similar to the first one, honestly I really liked the embossed graphics with the wording made in Italy. The mold is already ready and is in a very long drying phase, it takes a few weeks to drain all the water, almost 4 L. of water.

The mold was made for the Mosquito crankcase, I didn't find any major problems, I used a very dense slip, in 1 day the piece was dry enough to remove it from the mold. At first I thought about making this Mosquito a limited edition too, but I changed my mind.
I attach a couple of photos, you can notice the difference once the piece is dry, but it is normal. Naturally, once the piece is dry with a leather-like consistency, it must be finished completely by hand, the piece must be flat. This is just the first piece of the Mosquito crankcase.