VHB 26 F - atomic consequence (2023)

3,5x3,9 in ~ Skulptur, Ton, Keramik

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Riproduzione completamente manuale in Argilla di un classico carburatore Italiano.
Il manufatto in Argilla morbida è impattato con il suolo da un'altezza di circa 1500 mm. la conseguenza è una deformazione per spiaccicamento del manufatto.
Nonostante la sua deformazione il carburatore è stato cotto in forno industriale ad una temperatura intorno al migliaio di gradi Celsius.

Carburettor reproduced in ceramic dating back to the post-apocalyptic era, dating back to a period where the world inhabited by humanity no longer consists of the Earth alone, but has expanded to the entire Terrestrial Sphere, including the Moon, Mars, Plutonium and the lunar orbit Alpha Centauri, in which hundreds of "Ceramic Motorcycles" orbit
The cost of fuel has increased so much that it has become extinct on all planets, motorcycles and all mechanical vehicles have become piles of rusty iron, compared to terrestrial levels the average temperature of the planet has increased by 250° centigrade, every mechanical part on the globe has it's melted.
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